Diabetes, Youth, Families

In 1938, Dr. Mary B. Olney, a physician from UC San Francisco, took 19 children with type-1 diabetes to camp to teach them how to better manage their condition. Dr. Olney believed that children with diabetes could live healthy and productive lives by learning how to care for their diabetes with a complex management system. Today, DYF still holds true to that philosophy, creating opportunities for children and teens with diabetes which are equal to that of their peers who do not have diabetes. DYF also recognizes the impact that type-1 diabetes can have on a family unit and is dedicated to supporting the parents, caregivers and sibling who are affected.


“The video Kikim Media produced for us has been invaluable as a tool to raise awareness of our programs, to get people to attend our camps and to raise funds to support us. We have been overjoyed with its success. The staff at Kikim was wonderful to work with and they were incredibly sensitive to our community, while still conveying a powerful message about the life-changing services we offer at all our programs, not just our Family Camp program. From the early brainstorming about ideas and approaches, all the way to the end product, Kikim made sure we got what we needed and wanted.”

-Matts Wallin, Executive Director, Diabetic Youth Foundation