Root Capital


Of the 2.6 billion people who live on less than two dollars a day, 75 percent are in rural areas of Latin America, Africa and Asia. They are often forced into short-term survival tactics like slash-and-burn agriculture or illegal logging. Root Capital is trying to solve that problem by investing in businesses that are too risky for large mainstream banks but also too large for microfinance. By issuing loans—typically ranging from $25,000 to $500,000—to sustainable agriculture projects, it is helping local people in developing countries become self-sufficient. This seven-minute video tells the story of Root Capital by focusing on its work with coffee growers in Tanzania and its partnership with Starbucks.


“Kikim Media captured our story accurately and expertly. Their video became an invaluable tool for us, bolstering our outreach efforts and enabling us to promote our work in a compelling and honest way. Almost two years later, we still show the video proudly and receive compliments from supporters and clients.”

Willy Foote, Founder and CEO, Root Capital