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Damage Control

Damage Control

Damage Control About When we tap into a river’s power by building a dam, we can gain benefits such as flood control, irrigation, and electricity. But these structures can also become burdens, threatening safety and harming our ecosystems. The largest dam removal...
Restoring the Basin

Restoring the Basin

Restoring the Basin About In the rugged hills of Northern California’s Klamath River Basin, historic efforts are underway to rescue an ecosystem in crisis. For millennia, the tribes indigenous in this region have lived in harmony with nature, subsisting on the...
Resilience on the River

Resilience on the River

Resilience on the River About The Klamath River is in trouble. Its once abundant salmon population has dropped to dangerously low levels, with some species on the brink of extinction. What caused the decline of the salmon, a fish that is vital to the people living...
The Citizen Scientist

The Citizen Scientist

The Citizen Scientist About Scientists, just like the rest of us, lead lives that are often filled with surprising twists and turns. Today, Steven Chu is world famous as a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. But as a teenager he felt so resentful of being pressured by his...
A Carbon Free Future

A Carbon Free Future

A Carbon Free Future About Electricity. Without it, our daily lives would be almost unimaginable. But unfortunately, the principal ways we’ve been producing it—by burning carbon-based fuels such as coal and natural gas—have released heat-trapping gases that have...